Our evolving coding best practices document
The goal of these best practices is to act as a guideline to produce code and analyses that are highly transparent, transferable, reproducible and approachable.
Good coding practices make collaboration easier and faster, and reduce the frequency and consequences of bugs and problems. At least initially, adhering to good practices can feel like it add unnecessary steps that slow progress. In the long run, however, we find that these practices save time. Further, they increase the transparency of our code, which in turn increases the overall transparency of our work.
Below, we outline best practices organized into related topics. When it can be done succinctly, we provide explanations for why the practices save time. After the guidelines, we include some short tutorials and examples to show how to implement some of the less obvious practices.
The following are important for coding and non-coding projects alike.
.Identify what type of data and who it can be shared with is often confusing. Generally sport data can be shared with everyone freely, while commercial data has restrictions on who and how the data can be shared, for example under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA).
Sport data can usually freely shared to the public, although there might be restrictions around sharing charter fishing data via the MSA.
The MSA has to be considered when sharing commercial data; often the data has to be aggregated in way to not specifically identify fishers. In the co-management realm this is rarely an issue as much of the data is aggregated, but for sharing with the pubic, guidance should be requested through WDFWs Records Office.
Public requests for treaty data should be directed to the individual tribes themselves or WDFW’s Records Office. Tribal data can be shared freely with the data’s respective tribe, but sharing one tribe’s data with another tribe should only be done with caution and under the guidance of NWIFC staff.
For any kind of substantial work involving more than one file, use Rprojects, the here
package, and (possibly) renv
to make scripts easily shareable (details on both below). The goal is that you can zip up a folder, send it to someone else, and they can run any scripts without making any changes. (Note: Ty and Collin are trying out renv
– it provides more robust sharing, but also adds an extra layer of complication for both the initial coder and anyone using it. We currently view this package as optional, while we strongly encourage using here
withe very project).
When developing a document to report results or findings to a general user, use Rmarkdown or Quarto to create a report that blends R code with explanations and graphics.
When a script is likely to be re-used (e.g. not a one-off analysis) or if it is going to be shared, create a commented version with instructions on use. This should be stored somewhere accessible. Collin Edwards maintains the snippets
github repository to store re-usable code, or the code could live in a Teams folder. If code is likely to be useful to the FRAM team or others, it may also be appropriate to incorporate this code into an R package, or develop a new R package for this code. Converting code to packages is much more involved that storing a code snippet or re-useable script somewhere, but makes it much easier for incorporation into other code. Reach out to Collin Edwards or Ty Garber if you this is something you want to explore further.
To make scripts easier to re-use, replace hard-coded specifics with variables that are defined at the top of the script. For example, if Collin wrote a script to read in the Mortalities table of a FRAM database and plot the landed catch for a specific fishery, he would probably initially write that script using the file name and fishery name wherever he needed it (e.g., connect_fram_db("FramDBExample.Mdb")
and data |> select(fishery_id == 19) |> ...
). To make this script easier to re-use, he could add lines of code near the top of the script, with
file_use = "FramDBExample.Mdb"
fishery_use = 19
and then replace any hard-coded uses of the filename and fishery ID with those variables (e.g., connect_fram_db(file_use)
and data |> select(fishery_id == fishery_use) |> ...
). This makes it very easy to re-use for a different case: simply update the lines defining file_use
and fishery_use
!If someone has shared an Rproject that uses {renv}
, you may find that it tells you that you don’t have the appropriate packages installed,
and trying to install them the normal way may not work. Don’t panic. {renv}
handles packages separately, in a way that makes sure that you have exactly the same
version installed as whoever made the project. Packages can change over time, and sometimes functions will change how they work; if that has happened, code written for older versions of the package won’t work as intended when using newer versions of the packages. {renv}
solves that.
To handle package installation for an Rproject using {renv}
package on your computerrenv::restore()
in the console. This will initiate the package installation process, which will ask for confirmation before installing. Once you accept, {renv}
will then install the exact versions of the packages used by the project and associate those versions with the project. You should be good to go!If you are working in the project and use previously unused packages (e.g., you add a library()
call for a new package), you should use renv::snapshot()
to update the {renv}
system with the new package(s). That way when you share the project with someone else, your additional packages will be installed with renv::restore()
packageThe here package has similar functionality to base
R’s setwd
and getwd
functions, in that it helps with file paths. The real benefits of the here
specifically the here::here()
function, is to easily enable project-oriented
workflows that are easily shared. When used within an R project, here::here()
allows for easier file path
referencing in code along with the elimination of file path fiddling for someone
receiving the project. This is because here::here()
takes filepaths using the project directory as the
starting point and returns the complete filepath for the current computer. So the scripts will continue to work if the project directory is moved to a different folder, drive, or computer.
# Good
data <- read_csv(here::here('original_data/data.csv'))
## Works on everyone's computer
# Bad
data <- read_csv('C:/Users/blah/Desktop/my_r_project/original_data.csv')
## only works on User "blah"'s computer, and only so long as the project stays on their desktop.
and renv
are important on the receiving endVarious collaborators have completely independent IT departments with their own rules around the types and sizes of files they can receive through email.
Common reasons for blocked emails:
and .zip
filesMost of the time these restrictions can be worked around via using a 3rd party to host the file like an AWS S3 bucket or Google Drive. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the data being shared, the file should be deleted from the 3rd party when the receipt is verified.
When .zip
files are blacklisted by the recipient’s IT department, an
alternative would be the .7z
format from the 7-zip
software. Sometimes zipped files can successfully be emailed if the file name is changed to end in something else (e.g., .zap
); if doing so, make sure to include instuctions to change the file name back.
When working across multiple projects, it can be helpful if each project has a similar file structure. Your needs for individual projects may vary, but the following project structure is often a good option (or at least a good starting point).
├── scripts
│ ├── data_clean.R # should save to `cleaned_data/`
│ └── analysis.R
├── original_data
│ ├── data.csv
│ └── more_data.xlsx
├── cleaned_data
│ ├── data_cleaned.csv
├── figures
│ └── some_figure.png
├── results
│ └── some_spreadsheet.xlsx
├── .gitignore
└── project_folder.Rproj
The idea with this folder structure is that:
folder contains R scripts used in the project.original_data/
contains the data files provided for this project (but not data files that are generated or cleaned in this project)cleaned_data/
contains any data files that are generated as part of this project (e.g., by cleaning and integrated data from original_data/
), which can then be used for subsequent analyses in this project. The idea with this separation of data is that it makes it easier to ensure that original data files are never modified.figures/
contains image objects created as a part of this project. Depending on the project, this folder may not be used, but sometimes it’s appropriate to generate hundreds of figures programmatically (e.g. separate bar plots of fishery impacts for each stock).results/
contains non-image objects created as a part of this project. For example, if a project synthesizes data and produces summary .csv
or .xlsx
files, they would go in results/
To streamline giving new projects this folder structure, the framrsquared
package found here has the initialize_project()
function. By default, this generates the folder structure above; optional arguments allow users to specify a different folder structure, copy template files for quarto documents, and initialize renv
To reiterate, this project structure is not mandatory for good coding. It’s simply a useful option.
Security around database connections is an important concern. Under no circumstance should any of the following be shared in a script or data:
Ideally, database connections should be stored locally as an ODBC connection and referenced in within the script as a DSN.
con <- DBI::dbConnect(dsn='<dsn_name>')
allows you to write code that behaves differently when being compiled for a report than when its being run interactively. This can be useful when developing parameterized reports, as the parameters will live in the YAML header, which is not run in interactive mode.for maximum compatibility, use dashes rather than spaces or underscores in file names. $\LaTeX$, which is sometimes used as a part of Rmarkdown and Quarto documents, does not like spaces or underscores. This is most relevant when creating image files that may be loaded into $\LaTeX$ reports.
Ensure that your code is reproducible by never saving / loading the environment. Scripts should include code to read in relevant files, and can save key objects for re-use later. In Rstudio, go to Tools > Global Options
and in the General
section, make sure that “Restore .Rdata into workspace on startup” is NOT checked, and make sure that “Save workspace to .Rdata on exit:” dropdown is set to “Never”
Code that is meant to be shared should not include a hard-coded setwd() or file paths based on the local machine directory structure. Function calls that require file paths should be relative, such that someone with a copy of the project directory can run the script without needing to change those file paths.
When loading libraries, use library()
rather than require()
. Put all library calls at the top of the script, so that users immediately encounter errors if they have not yet installed relevant libraries.
To improve transparency, give R scripts a header with your name, the date, and a brief explanation of the script’s purpose. To streamline this process, consider adding a header
Rstudio snippet. We have a template snippet here; you can update this with your own name and then add it to your Rstudio’s snippets.
When running simulations or other code in which the outcomes of a run can differ due to randomness, it can be difficult and frustrating for others to attempt to replicate your work (or replicate an error). One key tool is to use set.seed()
at the beginning of a script. This will ensure that the randomness is repeated exactly every time the script is run. Note that since setting the seed prevents alternative random outcomes, it is unwise to do so when developing code, as your code will only ever represent one set of random outcomes.
In rare cases, R packages will work only for 32 bit R or only for 64 bit R (historically, this was an issue for connecting to databases). Code that uses these packages will then only run on some computers, severely hampering our transparency and code sharing. Because of this, these packages should be avoided whenever reasonable. When there is no other option, there should be very clear commenting or documentation identifying this issue, so that users know immediately whether or not they will be able to run the code. If R functions exist for both 32 bit and 64 bit R but have different functions or syntax, consider supportinb both architectures by including an if
statement; .Machine$sizeof.pointer
will return 8 in 64-bit R, and 4 in 32-bit R.
When sharing code publicly (like on Github) it is important not to share filepaths that include your username (this is a big no-no for the WDFW IT department). The here::here()
helps write code that doesn’t include full filepaths; storing github repositories outside of your documents folder (e.g., in a C:/Repos/
directory) can help avoid this as well.
Variables and columns of dataframes should be descriptive of their contents while still being machine readable e.g. lacking all whitespace and special charaters.
# Good:
mark_rate <- tibble()
mortality.table <- read_csv('mortality_table.csv')
# Bad:
mr1.2 <- tibble()
`Mortality Table` <- read_csv('mortality_table.csv')
Often times column names imported into R from various sources have spaces,
special characters, capitalization, or are just bizarre. The janitor
function is a great automated solution to cleaning up dataframe
data <- readr::read_csv(here::here('data/ugly_column_names.csv'))
data |>
Naming conventions are an important part of understanding code, below are some common examples:
Naming Convention | Example |
Snake Case | big_red_dog |
Screaming Snake Case | BIG_REG_DOG |
Dot Case | big.red.dog |
Camel Case | bigRedDog |
Pascal Case | BigRedDog |
Although Hadley Wickham recommends snake case for R scripting, R has no official naming convention. When writing a script a naming convention should be chosen and then used consistently throughout the entire document.
There are a variety of assignment operators in the R scripting language,
, =
, <<-
as well as their directional reversals. The vast majority
of your assignments will either be <-
or =
, although essentially equal,
one should be chosen and used exclusively throughout the project. In Rstudio, [ctrl][=] is a hotkey to create <-
The original pipe %>%
is a function of the magittr
package. The ‘native pipe’
was introduced in R 4.0. These two perform essentially the same function,
but with different placeholders which can lead to various errors in scripts
when mix. One pipe should be used in the document. In Rstudio, [ctrl][shift][m] generates a pipe; you can set which type of pipe is generated in Tools > Global Options > Code, and check/uncheck the “Use native pipe operator…” box.
You can streamline consistent styling with
> Reformat Code
in the Rstudio menusIf, like some of us, your styling is inconsistent when writing code, these tools allow you to quickly change this after the fact.
We often need to create graphics to show aspects of the data. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to visualization, but here are some good practices. The following is technically agnostic to packages, but suggestions are centered on ggplot2-based approaches
package makes it very easy to create high-contrast accessible graphics.RColorBrewer
package; try display.brewer.all(colorblindFriendly = TRUE)
to see some useful palettes.colorBlindness
package has the hugely useful cvdPlot
function, which will display a ggplot2 object under different simulated color vision deficiencies to help check accessibility.base_size
. A good starting point is theme_bw(base_size = 16)
.#| fig-cap: "caption contents go here"
in the associated R chunk.Sometimes we work with timeseries data using day of year as a numeric (e.g., converting dates to values from 1 to 365). Plotting results on a doy scale makes them difficult to interpret; instead, we can use the doy_2md() function here to translate back. In it’s simplest form, using this function just requires including a scale_x_continuous(labels = doy_2md)
call in your ggplot layers.
or glue()
with variable names or even r functions so that the figure title auto-updates appropriately.## "fragile" version; copy-pasting and plotting a different fishery requires careful updating of ggtitle()
dat.plot <- data |>
filter(fishery_title == "NT Area 10 Sport")
ggplot(dat.plot, aes(x = stock, y = AEQ))+
ggtitle("Chinook AEQ of NT Area 10 Sport")+
## robust version:
fishery_plot <- "NT Area 10 Sport" ## define the fishery to plot in one place at the top
dat.plot <- data |>
filter(fishery_title == fishery_plot) ## use variable in our filter function
ggplot(dat.plot, aes(x = stock, y = AEQ))+
ggtitle(paste("Chinook AEQ of", fishery_plot))+ ## use paste and variable name
## alternative robust version:
dat.plot <- data |>
filter(fishery_title == "NT Area 10 Sport")
ggplot(dat.plot, aes(x = stock, y = AEQ))+
ggtitle(paste("Chinook AEQ of", dat.plot$fishery_title[1]))+ ## obtain the fishery name directly from dat.plot
, not fishery_plot()
). This name should not be the same as common R functions (e.g., don’t create a custom plotting function and call it plot
). If you need a function to create several objects, have the function return a list of those objects. (Note that file manipulation is an key exception to the general aim to avoid side-effects in functions; it is often appropriate to have functions read or write files)source()
to call them from a single main script. This can be especially effective for scripts that contain many custom function definitions – move the functions to a separate script that gets source()
ed at the top of the remaining code leads to a primary script that is easy to read, and a companion script that is just the definitions of functions.When multiple people are collaborating on a project, it gets very important to be able to integrate changes in an intelligent way (emailing different versions of a zipped folder back and forth is not a good idea). Git and Github are the best tool for this, and Rstudio now supports using github to manage projects.
Setting up Git and linking it to Rstudio is an involved task, and we recommend Happy Git with R as a resource.
At its simplest, git is a way to keep track of changes and merge different, non-conflicting changes to the same documents. In this sense, you can think of it as a mix between dropbox and a Google document, but with more to learn but a lot more control and functionality. We recommend Chapter 20 of Happy Git with R for an overview. For simple tasks (e.g., working on your own project), a standard workflow is to pull (this makes sure your local version of the repository is up to date), and work in the repo. At good stopping points or key checkpoints in your work (you completed a specific task, or are stopping work on this project for the day), add any new files that were created, commit the repository, pull the remote to make sure you are up to date, and then push. See “Using git in Rstudio” for the terminal commands for this workflow.
Once an Rproject is linked to a git repository, Rstudio will have a git button in the top menu (near the “go to file/function” field). Clicking this button, then “Commit” opens up an interface to create and control a git commit, then push it to the remote repo. However, often this interface is very slow/laggy when a project has many files. An alternative that’s still in Rstudio is to manage the commit in the “terminal” tab of the console window. Here you can type git commands, which are typically much faster for Rstudio to enact. Here is a typical commit process in the terminal, with explanations for each step.
git add -A
This adds any new files to tracking (ignoring files that are covered in .gitignore
), so that they are included in the commit.
git commit -a -m "commit message"
This commits the current state of all tracked files. Replace the text in quote marks to an appropriate commit message. (e.g., “Addressing issue #4, modified intitialize_project() function”).
git pull
This updates your local version with the remote version, in case someone else has made changes. If there are changes and they conflict with your changes, git will ask you to address those.
git push
This updates the remote version with your commit and its associated changes.
Git is especially useful for collaborating. One of our most common uses is when we have an existing, functional repository that we want to modify – for example, one of our team’s R packages. If I want to add a new function or debug some code, I probably don’t want to modify the version of the repository that everyone else is using. The solution is to use “branches”. Github can track multiple, parallel versions of everything in the repository; each of these versions are called branches.
The default version of the code and files is on a primary branch, typically labeled “main” or sometimes “master”. When working on adding new material or changing things, we can start by creating a new branch that serves as a separate sandbox to develop code, debug things, and just generally muck about without affecting the version of the code that everyone else is. Once we have some polished changes that are ready for prime time, we can merge them in to the main branch, typically with a “pull request”.
A pull request is a formal step (made very easy on github) in which you can describe the changes you’ve made, and others can look at
the changes to the actual code and provide feedback before the code is integrated into the main branch. For your own projects,
you can often merge changes without using a pull request. However, for collaborative projects, using a pull request is very valuable.
In addition to allowing collaborators to see and comment on your new changes, it provides a record of the changes that have been made in the past.
For example, see the closed pull requests on the framrsquared package here. Once
a pull request has been accepted and the branch has been merged into main, the branch can safely be deleted. Note that since git keeps track of
all branches in parallel, you can switch between branches immediately, either to remind yourself of how the “main” branch works, or to see what
someone else has been working on. This can be done in the terminal with git checkout branchname
where “branchname” is
the name of the branch in question.
What if you want to make your own version of a popular package or explore / work on the repository of someone you don’t know? You can only create branches on repositories that you have some permissions to. If you don’t have those, you can instead create a “fork” of the repository. This is a totally separate repository that you own (and so you control all the permissions to), which starts as a copy of the original repository you forked. You can continue to merge in any changes from the original repository, but your changes don’t automatically get updated to the original repository (even in a separate branch). You can, however, make a pull request for the original repository, which shows the changes you’ve made to the folks in charge of the original repository, and they can discuss those changes and potentially merge them into their version of the repository.
For collaborations within the FRAM team, WDFW, and/or with the tribes, we general expect everyone to be included in the original repository, so our usual workflow will use branches. However, if someone who was not a formal part of collaborations wanted to take a look at what we were doing and offer their modifications, the best path for that would be through forking.
With a specific change in mind, start a new branch with a relevant label, and “checkout” that branch.
Through the Rstudio terminal, the most efficient way to do that is with git checkout -b add/initialize_function
where “add/initialize_function” is the name of the new branch (in this case, one that I’m creating to add an initialize function).
git checkout -b
both creates the new branch (just like git branch
does) AND checks out that branch.
Make changes on the new branch. This could be a quick task with a single commit or two, or this could be weeks or months of work with many commits. This branching workflow works either way. The first time you go to push your new branch, you will need to add the new branch to the github repository. In the terminal, the command for that will look like
git push --set-upstream origin add/initialize_function
This might look intimidating, but git will give you a helpful note if you just try to push with git push
before doing this process, which spells out the exact code to use.
When you want others to look over your changes and potentially merge them into the main branch, make a pull request. You can do this on github – there’s often a button for “make pull request” when a new branch has been updated, but you can also get there from the “Pull requests” tab. In the pull request, you can provide the explanation of what you did and why, and draw attention to specific areas of concerns or questions you have. The pull request will automatically show the changes to text-based files (like .R files), highlighting what has been removed and added. Once the pull request is made, you and others can have a conversation via comments, and you can make additional changes to your branch to address comments (make sure to commit those changes, though!).
Once there’s consensus on the pull request, the repo maintainer can hit the “merge” button, and all the changes from your branch will get integrated into the main branch. At this point your branch is superfluous, and can be deleted.
One of our favorite features of Github is the “Issues” tab of a repository. Here anyone with a github account can start an Issue, which is a distinct conversation about some problem or desired feature for a repository. Once the issue is started, users can have a conversation by posting comments to the issue, clarifying the concern or providing examples for which the code breaks.
On its own, this may not sound much different from sending an email to the repository owner. However, (a) this is visible for anyone, so others can see (and join) the conversation, and (b) Github integrates commit and merge information into the issue thread. This makes it easy to track the process from “someone found a problem” to “someone solved the problem” ( and by looking at the details of the commits, you can see exactly how they solved the problem). For an example of that, see the closed issues for this repository here. In the closed issues, Stephanie Thurner suggested some additional content, Tyler Garber and Collin Edwards and Steph had some back-and-forth to clarify and brainstorm the content, Ty or Collin added content with a new commit and then closed the issue.
For the WDFW FRAM team in particular, by working through code problems using Github issues we provide complete transparent when discussing and addressing problems with our work.
If you have started making changes to a git repository and realize before committing the changes that your work should really be on a new branch, you can use the following git commands to achieve this:
git switch -c newbranchname
where “newbranchname” is replaced by an appropriate name for your new branch.
respectively. I need to look it up again)inst/
folder of a package can hold misc files which are consistently accessible from the package functions. This allows us to develop packages to automate reporting – we have a .qmd file in the inst/
folder, and then a package in the function can copy that .qmd file to an appropriate folder (based on arguments), compile an html or pdf from the .qmd file, and then delete the .qmd file. See TAMMsupport::tamm_report
for an example of this.usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages()