Generate Chinook bk_fram look-up table
At present the FRAM databases use a differents stock_id numbering system in the BackwardsFRAM table than everywhere else. The dataframe `bk_lookup_chin` provides a lookup table based on the stocks used in Preseason 2024. However, we are working to modify FRAM to support splitting Chinook stock aggregates, which will lead to increased numbers of StockIDs. `bk_lookupfun_chin` provides an appropruate lookup table based on the `max_stock` argument, either returning `bk_lookup_chin` (if max_stock is not provided or doesn't exceed the stocks in `bk_lookup_chin`) or extending the dataframe with new stock ids based on the numbering conventions of the bk_stock_id.
Tibble of lookup table. `$stock_name_bk` gives numan-readable stock names; `$bk_stock_id` gives the "StockID" used in backwards FRAM; `$stock_id` gives the StockID used everywhere else. NAs in `$stock_id` correspond to "totalled" stocks, which are used in backwards FRAM and nowhere else.
temp = bk_lookupfun_chin(80)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> stock_name_bk bk_stock_id stock_id
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 OR Mid Coast Fall 114 NA
#> 2 ----- UnMarked OR Mid Coast Fall 115 77
#> 3 ----- Marked OR Mid Coast Fall 116 78
#> 4 New _total_ stock (bkFRAM-only) 117 NA
#> 5 New stock (presumed UnMarked) 118 79
#> 6 New stock (presumed Marked) 119 80