Safely fetch Chinook BackwardsFRAM table
The BackwardsFRAM table uses a stock_id different numbering system from all other tables, and includes sums of joint stocks (e.g. for a marked and unmarked pair of stocks, BackwardsFRAM will typically have an additional stock which represents the sum of those two). Because the numbering is different but the column name is the same, joining the Chinook BackwardsFRAM table with other tables can cause problems.
This function augments fetch_table by renaming the stock_id
column to bk_stock_id
, and
then adding on the associated stock_id (with NAs when the bkfram stock is one of these new "sum" stocks
and the associated bkfram stock names). This function only works for Chinook databases.
The resulting dataframe will necessarily NOT be an exact match to the BackwardsFRAM table in the FRAM database. The stock_id column will differ (containing normal stock ID values instead of bk stock ID values), and there will be two additional columns.
#' @examples
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
##Potentially problematic stock_id won't align with other tables
fram_db |> fetch_table('BackwardsFRAM')
## "safe" version of the table; stock_id WILL align with other tables
fram_db |> fetch_table_bkchin()
} # }